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How to close more deals?

How to close more deals?

B2B sales is built on trust and relationships. Well, at least if the price tag is anything higher than your typical SaaS service. Successful B2B sales guys are successful because they know the importance of relationships. But establishing relationships is relevant...
Menestyvä yritys tuntee omat kasvutaskunsa

Menestyvä yritys tuntee omat kasvutaskunsa

Kasvukilpailukyvyn olennainen osa on sellaisen kasvumarkkinan rajaus, jossa yrityksen ratkaisujen lisäarvo voi ajallisesti ja arvollisesti siirtyä vastaanottavan asiakkaan prosessiin optimaalisesti. Optimaalisuus tässä tarkoittaa asiakaskokemuksen parantumista ja/tai...
What is Customer Delight?

What is Customer Delight?

When most people hear about Customer Delight, they think it’s the same as Customer Satisfaction; however, there is a very important difference between these two, and it comes down to exceeding versus merely meeting expectations. In a nutshell: Customer Satisfaction:...